Hello , I'm

Adam Wecker

Data scientist at Airbus

About Me

I am Adam, a Data Scientist. I also have ML Engineer and Developer skills. I love programming, data science, solving complex problems and team projects. I'm capable of using tools, skills and languages below :

  • Python
  • C/C++/C#
  • Machine learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Operational research
  • JavaScript/React
  • Microsoft Azure/AWS/GCP
  • Kubernetes / Docker
  • Scala
  • Java
  • SQL/noSQL DB
  • php,CSS,HTML
  • Unity 3D
  • Team works
  • Learning news skills
  • Many others
For more details look at my CV :
Download CV

Technical Skills

Machine learning
Reinforcement learning
Deep Learning
Operational research
Data engineering

Professional Skills

  • Team Work
  • Communication
  • Project Management
  • Learning



Engineering School : ESME

2016 to 2021
Engineering degree/Master 2

Founded in 1905, ESME is a private, non-profit higher education institution under the supervision of the French Ministry of Education and Research. The school has over a century of experience in training engineers. ESME is a proud member of the Grandes Ecoles, France's prestigious consortium of high-level engineering, whose students are selected through highly competitive entrance examinations.

Korean University Kyungpook National University

2019-2019 ( 1 semester )

KNU Ranked 1st Among Korean Universities, 119 Master's and 108 Ph.D. programs.

Work Experience

Data Scientist Totalenergies

12/2021 to 2024
Responsibility :
  • Building, improving, maintaining OR-tools models to solve a Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP)
  • Building an OCR web app on Azure for an easier input of safety data + creating and managing PostgreSQL DB + Data analysis
  • MVP of a scheduling software
  • Data augmentation with XGB model to complete a dataset about time spent on offshore maintenance works
  • Building from scratch a web app, Back end(flask)/Front end (dash/react) GitHub action pipeline.
    features: NLP assisted research in a huge DB, interactive data visualization
  • Adding user tracking on several tools + BI data analysis

End of study internship Group Astek

19/04/2021 to 16/10/2021
Responsibility :
  • Find a solution to visualize and map data about HR process and turnover

IT consultant Nerytec Consulting

01/2020 to 03/2020
Responsibility :
  • Creating IT tools to improve efficiency
  • Project Management

Student/part time job Grocery store and restaurant

2013 to 03/2017
Responsibility :
  • Customer service
  • Team work
  • All Categories
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Programming
  • Robotics
  • Web programming

LLM inspired by GPT3

I build a GPT3-like Large Language model based on the company I work for's data. With more than 50 M parameters trained on high-performance computer I got amazing results. The model was capable of mimicking the way of writing maintenance reports of offshore well. This kind of report is very important and very jargon-based. The level of expertise to write those reports is very high, and a similar LLM could help to reduce the needed experience to be able to write a report.

  • Python
  • TensorFlow
  • LLM
  • Deep learning
  • Cuda
  • Reinforcement learning

Cat/Dog Recognition

This project is usually the first step in advanced AI programming. We aim to make an AI able to recognize which animal is in a picture. I used a convolutional neural network architecture. Thanks to TensorFlow I easily used convolutional neural networks, TensorFlow is a powerful library for AI programming/

  • Python
  • TensorFlow
  • AI
  • CNN
  • Machine learning

Example of a fail.

C++ QT openCV game

We developed an RPG game on the MVC model using Qt framework. The Game was developed using Qt 5.15 and opencv4

The source code is free on Git Hub.

  • C/C++
  • QT
  • Algorithm
Github link

Logs Analysis

Several log analysis of a date frame(~60GO) to train a model to predict attack

The source code is free on GitHub.

  • Python
  • AI
  • Algorithm
Github link

Ask me if you want a very complete report

Web tool for recruiter

During my 4th year I did a 3 months internship, my goal was to build a website and a database for Human Resources Director. They can: put into a database resumes and CVs of interesting people, put an automatic reminder to remind them to contact a candidate. They also have access to the database for statistical purposes.

The source code is free on GitHub.

  • php
  • html
  • css
  • MySQL
  • Project
  • Intership 3 months
Github link

User interface to add a CV to the database.

Admin interface.

Robotic hand that grab delicate items

This project was a 5 students project, I focused on building an AI able to understand what is the best pressure to grab an item without breaking it. I created an algorithm inspired by Darwinian evolution theory. Every time a test is fail the algorithm modifies the maximum or minimum pressure on the item.

  • C
  • json
  • statistic
  • AI
  • Genetic algorithm
  • Programming.
  • Teamwork

A quick example of how genetic algorithm works.


During my scholarship I trained my programming skill in basic games like Connect 4 or Zelda.

  • C/c++
  • QT
  • Graphic programming
  • Game design
Github link My Zelda game

Interface of a game, white versus red.


Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technologies are gradually gaining ground not only in data centers but also in WAN and RAN due to several key features mainly flexibility in scaling in and out the allocated resources and simplicity of configuration and troubleshooting. SDN applied to WAN enables management in a centralized manner and thus provides the ability to enhance application performance thanks to the global on-time knowledge of the network resources utilization and the demande requirement.

  • python
  • AI
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • ONOS
Github link API Github link

Our hand made poster.